Don't worry! This article will help you find and update your program listings to ensure they appear in the correct program searches.
Before you walk through the 3 steps below, confirm that the listing you are looking for is active on Go Overseas. You can check the program status through your dashboard via Content > Program Listings > Active Listings. If the program appears in Pending, Expired, or Paused -- it will not appear as a search result for users. To learn about the different program statuses, check out Program Listings: Adding, Editing, Pausing, and Expiring
Now that you've confirmed the program you are searching for is active, let's find it on the front end!
Step 1:
Let's make sure you created your listing in the correct program type (Study Abroad, Gap Year, Teach, TEFL, etc), and that you're searching programs within that program type. When you create a program listing, you have to select what type of experience you are offering. Be sure to select the correct program type from the start, since you won't be able to change this once you've submitted the listing.
Side note: Wondering what the difference is between job board posts and program listings is? be sure to read How the Job Board Works and check out our handy content flowchart: How To Recruit on Go Overseas.
When browsing programs on Go Overseas, be sure to select the corresponding program type to find your program listing. For example, Gap Year programs will not appear as search results when browsing Study Abroad
Step 2
Be sure to tag your program with relevant tags. Each program-type homepage has search criteria unique to that type of experience. For example, users can search location, subject, and timeframe from the study abroad homepage, while teach listings are searchable by location, classroom audience, and program type. *PRO TIP: Be sure to add all relevant tags to your listing. If you do not tag your listing, the program will not show up for users who use tags to search. The most commonly used search criteria across all program types is location so be sure to list the country of the program and, if relevant, the city or cities as well.
Step 3
If you have double-checked that your tags are correct, confirm that the program type is also correct. You can check this from the front end by looking at the page path which is listed above the title on each listing. You can also check the listing program type from your dashboard via Content > Program Listings. There you will be able to confirm what program type each listing lives in.
Confirm your programs are listed correctly
Search for your program from the program-type homepage using the tags you added to your listing. Remember that our ranking algorithm is dynamic and programs often move around so make sure to browse all pages. Users usually filter with multiple tags, such as location, timeframe, or subject. This is another reason to ensure you have utilized all relevant tags!