Reviews and What They Can do for You
By now you've probably heard us talk about reviews millions of times. We love them and here we will explain why you should too!
- Reviews are the best way to boost your visibility across Go Overseas! We have a sophisticated ranking algorithm at work on the website that helps to determine the traffic you receive and how visible your listings are. One of the biggest factors it takes into account is the quantity and freshness of your reviews.
- Note that it's two factors here. While we love that you might have 10 reviews from 2015, ultimately those aren't going to be too helpful since they're pretty outdated. It's important to keep the fresh reviews coming. A good target is to get a new review at least every five months.
- Reviews will get you featured on various pages on Go Overseas. Check out this example below from our Study Abroad in Italy page:
Reviews are also featured on our homepage, as below:
- A strong base of reviews is the best step our providers can take to building trust with our community. It'll also help to increase user engagement with your content. If a user can easily conceptualize what the program might be like, they're more likely to click off to your website!
- Reviews help us help you! Once you've got three reviews, we'll submit your listing for indexation with Google (meaning that it'll show up as a result to relevant Google searches). Indexation can increase traffic by up to 70%!
- Embrace all the ringing endorsements your alumni have about you! All of us here at Go Overseas know that after an amazing experience abroad, you want to tell the world about it. We're so proud to be that platform for you and we can't wait to read all of the glowing remarks your past participants share!