Reset Your Password

Forgot your password? Steps to rest are here!

If you are trying to access the provider dashboard and receive an error message like the one below, your username or password is most likely incorrect.  Don't worry -- there is a quick and easy way to reset your password and gain access to the dashboard. Follow the instructions below!


Step 1: Click Forgot your password?

You will then be prompted to enter your Username or email address. Do so and click Submit. 

  • If the system recognizes your email address, you will be redirected to the login page with a green help box that says, "Further Instructions have been sent to your email address." If you receive this message proceed to Step 2.
  • If the system does not recognize the email address you have entered, you will see a red help box at the top of the page that reads, "1 error has been found.” You will also see another message next to a red x below the username field that explains the username is not recognized as a username or an email address. If this is the case, please contact and we will send you the correct credentials.