At Go Overseas, we have two recruitment products: program listings and job posts. While they are different, they work hand-in-hand to help you find the most qualified candidates on our platform. Read about the difference here:
But wait... can I use both?
Yes! Program listings and job posts work hand-in-hand to maximize recruitment on Go Overseas. If you recruit all year round, we encourage you to use both. Here's a great example of a provider that uses both program listings and job posts to recruit for the same position:
Frequently Asked Questions:
If I recruit seasonally (ex. only 2 months out of the year), should I still create a program listing?
Yes! It's free to create a program listing. Your program listing is where alumni can leave a review on Go Overseas. Reviews will help your job posts perform better and receive more applicants.
How often should I post on the job board?
This depends on your budget and how much you are recruiting. We generally see about 10-20 applicants per job post depending on the title, content, and number of reviews. We typically see less exposure to job posts after it is pushed off the second page.
Are reviews important for job posts?
Yes! Providers that have reviews on their Go Overseas profile receive more applicants than those without.
Would the reviews appear if the program or job is no longer available?
Yes! Your reviews will still show on your Provider Organization page.
Still not sure which is right for you? Reach out to Daniella at for more information.