Through your Go Overseas dashboard, you can see pageviews and clicks to your website from the last 12 months.
To keep track of how your campaign is performing on our website, navigate through Dashboard > Campaign > Analytics.
On this page, you can see your campaign metrics by month. These metrics are accumulated for your entire campaign: all of your listings, your Provider Organization page, and/or any Job Board posts.
The Pageviews section counts each time a user loads one of your pages. The Clicks (Sessions) section is the key to understanding your campaign's performance. A click is counted every time a user clicks from Go Overseas to your website.
The Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the ratio of Pageviews to Clicks. Our goal is for the CTR to be about 30-40%, indicating good user engagement.
We recommend monitoring your traffic through Google Analytics. Your metrics should match within 10% of what you see through your dashboard.