Let's face it, critical reviews are never a fun topic. However, we have several processes in place to ensure critical content is dealt with proactively.
In terms of what type of content we will and will not keep posted on Go Overseas, check our review guidelines.
Bottom line, our number one goal is to provide as much information as possible for our beloved community -- with the goal of enabling them to make better-informed decisions about their program options.
There is an incredible amount of care and personal touch invested in these tough situations. We treat each one in its own unique context, but our default is always to leave the content posted so that we don't compromise our community's trust. Our community expects us to protect their contributions to the site. Defaulting to transparency might be a tough-love approach, but it's one we wholeheartedly believe in.
Taking the glass-half-full view: critical feedback is useful for a couple of reasons:
- It pushes you to continue improving and building upon your programs
- It validates your online presence. Not every participant is going to have a 10/10, A+, 100% rated experience.
A critical review coupled with a well-constructed provider response showcases both sides of the scenario at hand. We have faith that our Community can discern for themselves what a reliable program entails.
Pro tip: learning how to master the "owner response" is key. That way, the visitors on your Go Overseas listings can hear both perspectives. This pertains to critical and positive reviews alike!