If you're looking for a way to announce special news on your campaign, try using our Special Announcement feature!
If you're looking for a way to announce special news on your campaign, try using our Special Announcement feature! This blue banner will populate across your Provider Organization page and all of your program listings and allows you to add an additional link, funneling even more traffic to your website.
On your Provider Organization page, the announcement will populate below your description. On your listings, the announcement will appear above your reviews.
To create an Announcement, click into your Dashboard, then navigate to the "Edit Provider Profile" tab at the top of your screen. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the "Additional Information" section, then select "Add Content: Announcement".
When you click to add an announcement, you'll have the opportunity to fill out three brief information sections:
Add a catchy headline for the "Header" section-- something short that will draw attention. For the description, write a couple of sentences explaining what you'd like to announce. Then add a link to the most relevant page on your website in the CTA Link box. This link will show up as "Learn More" on the announcement. Be sure to save your work when you're finished!
Some options for things you could announce include application deadlines, start dates, contests, scholarships, and any other unique information.